Thursday, July 17, 2014

Driving Day 3: On mountains, basins, and excellent Mexican food

So we made it to Salt Lake without incident, thank goodness! Except for the usual construction, the freeway was clear and the driving went quite quickly today, probably because we only covered 440 miles. Michael ended up doing most of the driving, because I really don't like driving through mountains. Michael informs we me that we crossed the Great Divide basin and the Continental Divide, amongst a number of other mountains and basins.

We saw a lot of awesome scenery, though we couldn't really stop too often (too hot for Sophie in the car). Perhaps next time I should buy her a carrier with wheels and drag her along like a suitcase. I'm sure she'd love that!

When we got to Salt Lake, we had enough time to scout out a certain well-known Mexican restaurant with a funny name, and it more than lived up to expectations. Look at the carnitas Michael ordered (and I stole off his plate):

Definitely a better day today than yesterday, let's hope things continue to improve!


  1. Looks delicious! What is this restaurant with the funny name?? I'm not sure I know anything about that.

  2. The restaurant is the Red Iguana. It's been featured on Food Network shows (which we didn't know about until we got in there) and is really good and really popular. Would definitely recommend it, though be prepared to wait!
